Thursday, January 28, 2016

God de and ego better!

God de and ego better!
These two statements are the reason why our politicians will continue to loot us dry and keep our country forever underdeveloped, without facing any form of resistance from the masses.
Only in Nigeria, our politicians will not provide us with constant electricity and the masses expect God to come and fix it.
We expect God to construct roads, provide employment, make the economy stronger, provide access to good healthcare system etc.
The politicians quickly run to the masses during election periods, manipulate the vulnerable masses to vote for them, but quickly dedicate the victory to God after winning.
God cannot possibly have a hand in such kind of election. As a matter of fact, God has left the business of elections to man. You choose who governs you, that's your business.
But the politicians are wise, they understand that our people are so Godphilic and will never hold them responsible for their misgovernance.
As usual one of the politician from APC has attributed the current plight of the economy to the hand of God. This means another round of prayers for the ever present political pastors, eg Rv Mbaka and the other political prophets.
The God of Nigeria must be very different from the God of America and those developed countries. Because no one God can so develop and build those other countries without developing our own Nigeria.
I therefore, suggest Nigerians nominate their own God or Allah as presidential candidate and vote him into power come 2019. At least that way we can be really sure he will fix everything and save himself all the blames, as well as spare us the energy we use in praying for him to fix our country.
"God de and ego better"........Our never ending prayer!!

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